
Privacy Policy

We use cookies to develop our service. By continuing to use our website you hereby consent to our Privacy Policy.

Metroprint Systems Privacy Policy

  1. Collected and processed personal data

    1. Metroprint Systems collects and processes the following personal data of the Client:

      1. Client’s first and last name;

      2. .Client’s company name;

      3. Client’s e-mail address;

      4. Client’s phone number;

      5. Information in Client’s queries or e-mails;

      6. Information exchange between Client and Metroprint Systems;

      7. Designs, advertising or other materials sent by Clients to Metroprint Systems;

      8. Client’s IP address.

  2. Cookies

    1. Metroprint Systems uses cookies to optimize its Website traffic and to analyze clients Website usage. Unless Client has configured its browser to refuse all or certain types of cookies, cookies will be issued as soon as Client visits the Website.

    2. Metroprint Systems uses the following types of cookies:

      1. Google Analytics cookies are used to improve the Website when analyzing Client’s behavior. These cookies provide Metroprint Systems with information about the number of Clients on the Website, the pages they visit and the length of time spent on the Website. All information collected through cookies is aggregated with similar information received from other Clients and is therefore anonymous. Metroprint Systems does not identify individual users.

      2. Session cookies are used to maintain the functionality of the Website. This allows Metroprint Systems to connect the Client’s activities to a web browser session that begins and ends when the Client opens and closes its own browser window. The session cookie consists of temporary information and is deleted when the Client leaves his/her web browser.

      3. With the Client’s prior consent, Metroprint Systems uses the following cookies:

        1. Facebook Pixel cookies uses Metroprint Systems through Facebook to direct advertising to the Client and analyze the advertising flow, which in turn will result in Facebook tracking of the Client’s web traffic.

      4. The customer always has the ability to control cookies through his web browser settings. If the Client prefers not to receive cookies, the Client may configure the web browser to refuse all cookies or send a warning when issuing a cookie. More information on how to set your cookie preferences on the most popular web browsers can be found here: Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Opera.

  3. Purpose of processing personal data

    1. The personal data collected about the Client referred to in clause 1 of the Privacy Policy shall be processed solely for the purpose of providing the Service, enabling the provision of the Service, preparing the Agreement and enabling the use of the Website.

  4. Personal data processing ways

    1. The Client’s personal data will be processed only to the extent known to Metroprint Systems via the Website or through the preparation and execution of the service offered.

    2. Personal data collected will be stored only for the purposes specified in section 3 of these Privacy Terms.

  5. Retention and protection of personal data

    1. All personal data collected about the Client is stored on servers located in the European Union or European Economic Area countries.

    2. The personal data relating to the Client, which is used by Metroprint Systems to provide the service and to fulfill orders, shall be retained for up to 10 years from the date the personal data becomes available to Metroprint Systems or until any claims made based on that data, are expired. Accounting documents are kept for 7 years in accordance with the Accounting Act.

    3. Only our employees and members of the management have the right to use and access Client’s personal data solely to provide the Service.

    4. Subject to applicable law, we may have additional obligations to retain certain personal information.

  6. Sharing of personal data

    1. We will not disclose Client’s personal information to third parties except in the following cases:

      1. Transfer of personal data to subcontractors or co-operation partners if the transfer of such data is necessary to fulfill the service;

      2. Pursuant to a legal obligation to disclose or share Client’s personal information (primarily for purposes provided by law, for example as a result of a court order or for the purpose of preventing crime, protecting the life and health of the Client);

      3. To ensure the execution of the service;

      4. Due to the sale of the business, in whole or in part, or the restructuring of the business. In this case, we will take all necessary measures to ensure the continued protection of the Client’s personal data;

      5. In order to improve and develop the Service provided. Third parties shall be deemed to be authorized processors of personal data for the purposes referred to above. If Lennuabi uses authorized processors, the full list is available here.

  7. Client rights

    1. The Client has the right to access the personal data collected and processed about him or her and to request the correction of inaccurate personal data.

    2. If the processing of personal data is prohibited by applicable law, the Client has the right to demand the termination of processing and disclosure of personal data and the deletion of the personal data being processed.

    3. If the Client’s rights are violated during the processing of personal data, the Client has the right to appeal to the Data Protection Inspectorate or the court, unless otherwise provided by law.

    4. If the Client’s rights have been violated in the processing of personal data, the Customer shall be entitled to claim compensation for the damage caused thereby.

  8. Other

    1. We may also change the Privacy Policy from time to time in accordance with changes to provide the Service. The most current version of the Privacy Policy is always available through the Website.

Please contact Metroprint Systems at info@metroprint-media.com with any questions arising from the current Privacy Conditions or use of Client’s personal data.