

At Metroprint, we focus on sustainable and responsible business practicies in terms of environmental, social and governance aspects.
Sustainable and environmentally friendly way of thinking
We have a sustainable and eco-friendly mindset when planning our daily activities. We work to minimize our ecological footprint by utilizing resources efficiently, transition towards nature-friendly materials, reduce waste and embrace digitalization to move towards paperless operations. We are guided by modern management practices and pay great attention to the well-being and health of our employees.
Waste material reuse
Most of our PVC roll material waste and discarded cardboard coils are reused in our packaging department. MTÜ Töötoad is our cooperation partner in the recycling of textile material residues and scrap products, where shopping bags are made from the materials handed over by us. Smaller scraps of board materials find their way to www.materialivoog.ee – an online platform promoting and mediating resale for industrial companies.
Environmental sustainability in packaging
When packaging our products, we always prioritize reuse – we first use boxes already delivered to us with raw material and only then new but environmentally friendly packaging materials. New boxes we use for packing are made of corrugated cardboard produced from waste paper. In order to promote the reuse of production waste, we have agreed not to charge clients for recycled packages.
Energy-efficient practicies
We have invested in upgrading the lighting in the production and replaced old energy-consuming lamps with modern ones with low power consumption. We optimize equipment usage and have invested in energy monitoring systems to get a better overview of consumption and possible sustainable solutions.
Waste management and equipment disposal
We sort and dispose non-recyclable waste responsibly and always ensure that outdated printing devices will be disposed and dismantled in a way that facilitates recycling.
Occupational health and safety
We invest in the health of our employees by offering regular health check-ups. We consider feedback for improving the work environment and emphasize workplace safety measures.
Work and family life balance
We recognize the importance of work-life balance for employees and foster a company culture that supports that, understanding that content employees are more productice and motivated.
Equal opportunities
We have implemented in a transparent salary system to motivate and reward employees fairly based on performance and personal development.
Good management practices
We adhere to modern governance practicies involving ethical behaviour, setting clear goals, managing risks, and ensuring transparency in decision-making.
The goal set for 2024 is transitioning to environmentally friendly packaging accessories.